Αγγλική μετάφραση ακολουθεί το Ελληνικό κείμενο.
Για ακόμη μία φορά και παρά τις πιέσεις επαγγελματικών κλάδων στους χώρους των οποίων βασανίζονται ζώα, όπως βιοτεχνίες εκτροφής γουνοφόρων ζώων, παραγωγής προϊόντων γούνας και δέρματος αλλά και χώρους σχετικούς με τη θήρα, το Υπουργείο Παιδείας στέκεται στο ύψος του και κρατάει αρνητική θέση απέναντι σε επισκέψεις μαθητών σε αυτούς τους χώρους.
Μετά από σχετική επιστολή μας προς το Υπουργείο με θέμα “Αντιπαιδαγωγικό αίτημα για διοργάνωση επισκέψεων μαθητών σε χώρους όπου βασανίζονται τα ζώα” λάβαμε την παρακάτω απάντηση με ημερομηνια 30.4.2020
Even though it has been put under pressure by the fur industry, once again the Greek Ministry of Education prohibits school trips to fur farms, fur industries, tanneries and places related to hunting activities
PFPO’s letter follows:
“PFPO was informed on an important issue of major concern. A request from Hellenic Fur Federation through Municipality of Voion “in order that school trips of students at all levels of education in the region of Kastoria, Kozani and Municipality of Voion are included in educational programs of the Ministry of Education, so students could visit fur farms, tanneries and shops” (attachment of passage from the minute No. 17/2019 of the Voion municipal council meeting, decision number 243/2019).
PFPO claims that such an activity could be non-educational and dangerous for children’s sensitive psyche. It would also be absurd to take steps backward, even though the majority of young people shows respect to animals and the environment. This fact is a hopeful sign that our society could become more peaceful, a non-violence society with high ideals.
Young people are well-informed, educated and take steps forward in accordance with their moral values. One after another, European countries have decided to ban fur farming, after a phase-out period.
Apart from animal cruelty, several scientific studies have documented that fur farming and production pollute the environment, as both of them constitute a intensive chemical process.
We have a major responsibility toward future generations, as we play a pivotal role in shaping their behavior and conscience.
It should be mentioned that our society should take steps forward, make progress and show persistence on practices which are related to animal cruelty.
We hope that the Greek State will decide to prohibit school trips to fur farms and other places related to fur industry.
Finally, we would like to remind you that on 22th of February 2016, a letter was sent to the Ministry of Education by Regional Director of Education in West Macedonia. He requested that school trips to fur farms and other with encaged animals are prohibited, as wrong concept on environmental protection and protection of wild animals could be built up. He relied on two circulars of the Ministry of Education issued in 2016.”
Reply by the Ministry of Education follows:
“We would like to inform you that:
- According to a circular issued by the Ministry of Education in 2016, school trips to places with encaged animals (i.e. fur farms) should be avoided as they are contrary to general principles of education, which include awareness to environmental protection and respect to physical environment, adoption of similar standards of behavior and development of persons with social and humanitarian values”
- Our service has received several requests from governmental and non-governmental bodies in order that programs and school trips related to sustainable hunting are approved. The service’s reply is always negative, as sustainable hunting is not included in school education.”