I am Perseus. Shout my name to be heard as far away as possible and as many People as possible. Since March 13, when I was seriously injured, I lost 3 of my 4 legs. In addition, I was found with shrapnel from an older shot! My doctor Sofia Zoi in Larissa is by my side and she has been fighting from the first moment until today. The days passed with highly specialized examinations and axial of all limbs so that not the slightest mistake is made and I still LIVE thanks to the stubbornness of the Animal Welfare Association...

Guidance to citizens concerning animals during a heatwave. Watch our video!
–All animal species should be kept in a cool and shady area all day -Access to fresh and clean drinking water 24 hours a day -Animal’s head and body should be frequently wetted with cold water -Dogs should get a walk early in the morning and late at night. Pet owner should always carry water while dog walking -Dog’s intense physical activity should be avoided -Under no circumstances animals should be left in the car -The law prohibits keeping a dog on a balcony or terrace -If you use an air-conditioner to keep your home cool, your pet/s should be...

Open letter of PFPO to the district attorney of A.P. for the suicide of our animal-friendly fellow citizen because of an unacceptable district attorney who called him ridiculous!
Read the tragic and at the same time revealing note he left about the reason he committed suicide. To the district attorney of the Supreme Court Mr. V. Pliotas Subject: Suicide of our fellow citizen due to unacceptable and anti-institutional behavior and judgment of the district attorney Honorable district attorney, We believe that you have been informed about the suicide of our fellow citizen due to the unacceptable behavior of the district attorney in a trial for the poisoning and killing of his pet. https://www.zougla.gr/greece/article/den-antekse-tin-prosvoli-tis-isageleos-ke-aftoktonise She called him ridiculous, Mr. district attorney because he was mourning the death of his...

Ban dolphin captivity in Greece

Another three dolphins at Zoological Attica Park’s dolphinarium!
Another three dolphins, Nuik, Tumay and Moraton, were transported by air from Spain to Athens dolphinarium, instead of living in the ocean. Sorrow and anger! You can read the whole story till their transportation right below. By order of local authority and following pressure by the organization FAADA, dolphins show was suspended. After that, in 2018, Barcelona Dolphinarium closed down. Thus, Barcelona became the first European city which announced an official ban on captive cetaceans. In March 2019, PFPO was informed that some dolphins will be transported to Attica Park. A letter was sent to Ministry of Environment and CITES...

Speech of PFPO’s representative to the production and trade standing committee of Greek Parliament
Honorable Members, In Greece, there is a gap in single national strategy on animals, as no Greek government has seriously and responsibly addressed the issue with empathy. The Greek State has not tackled the root cause of problems. It has not taken into consideration that animal cruelty in Greece has been increased in recent years. Unfortunately, this fact is known in Europe and worldwide. Bad drafts, ineffective solutions and reviews of the existing inadequate animal legislation which do not provide protection. That is why animal issues are getting worse and the current draft law is not able to change things...

PFPO’s letter to the embassy of the People’s Republic of China concerning dog meat festival in China
To : People’s Republic of China in Athens Attention Media Subject: Permanent ban of Yulin dog meat festival in China Honorable sirs, Worldwide, there is an intense public outcry against China for animal abuse. This time, it is the repulsive dog eating festival in the city of Yulin, which has led to an international outrage against this city. https://www.facebook.com/hsiglobal/photos/a.120527422261/10158511126427262/?type=3&theater Thousands of dogs and cats suffer till death. They are slaughtered under appalling conditions, which is considered repugnant all over the world. Yulin festival is associated with animal cruelty and it tarnishes your country’s image. However, as a positive step forward...

Meeting of four bodies on equines at the Ministry of Rural Development and Food-Joint press release and proposals
Anda Dimopoulou (PFPO, responsible for equines), Tatiana Papamoschou (Gaidourohora), Serafina Avramidou (Animal Action), Christina Alexandrou (E.S.P.I.) and officials of the Ministry attended the meeting, which took place on 15 July 2020. Adopt legislation on equines protection and welfare was the object of the meeting. The following officials of the Ministry were present: -Chris Zafeiridis (Advisor/Associate of Minister) -Aikaterini Antipati (Advisor/Associate of Under Secretary) -Spiros Doudounakis (Director, Animal Health Directorate, Directorate General of Veterinary Services / Animal Health Directorate) -Aikaterini Marinou (Head of Department of Laboratory and Farm Animal Health) -E. Iliopoulou (Head of Department of Animal Genetic Resources: Cattle, Pigs...

Voridis draft on strays under consultation: Shelters in forest areas!!!
Million Greek citizens, volunteers and animal welfare bodies hoped that the current government would address the issue of strays in a different way compared to past governments. Unfortunately, the current draft law is a direct copy of the draft of the previous government, which was withdrawn after general outcry. The proposed draft law increases the stray problem instead of solving it. According to article 8, stray animals will be moved to rocky areas and grasslands. This article is against the modern animal ethics and it puts at risk not only animals but also the cultural change in Greece. It should...

Animal Welfare Association “Frontizo”, a PFPO’s member, visits another Greek school using PFPO’s educative material about animals
On Friday 7th of February 2020, a screening of the non-commercial medium-length movie “Re-Action” at the 2nd High School of Diavata (Prefecture of Magnesia) by initiative of volunteers of “FRONTIZO”. Students of first and second grade of High School watched the movie. Actually, the screening of this movie is an action launched by Olga Liara, on behalf of Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Fedaration (P.F.P.O.) with the aim to raise students’ awareness for animals. «Re-Action” was made by volunteers and is under the aegis of Club for Unesco of Piraeus & Islands and PFPO. In this movie, Roxy takes action...