I am Perseus.
Shout my name to be heard as far away as possible and as many People as possible.
Since March 13, when I was seriously injured, I lost 3 of my 4 legs. In addition, I was found with shrapnel from an older shot!
My doctor Sofia Zoi in Larissa is by my side and she has been fighting from the first moment until today. The days passed with highly specialized examinations and axial of all limbs so that not the slightest mistake is made and I still LIVE thanks to the stubbornness of the Animal Welfare Association of Fthiotida and my doctors.
Many Doctors, technicians and engineers became a fist for me and try to lift me up with a project that has never been done before in Greece except in Russia and Great Britain.
My artificial limbs are made of titanium and from day to day, will be here from abroad … I hope to see me standing up again.
I hope my story gives Hope to other animals, to be saved after me!
The examinations, the treatments and my artificial limbs so far cost € 2,100 and it is my only hope to walk again.
Will you help me?
The account of the Animal Welfare Association of Fthiotida (and please note that it is for Perseus) is:
Eurobank 0026-0740-18-0101830486
GR 8602607400000180101830486 BIC ERBKGRAA
Pay Pal: f.a.welfair@gmail.com