Αγγλική μετάφραση ακολουθεί το Ελληνικό κείμενο.
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΗ η 13η Μαρτίου 2020 για το φιλοζωικό κίνημα της χώρας.
Η ΠΦΠΟ έδωσε την δική της μεγάλη μάχη τόσο σε νομικό και θεσμικό επίπεδο όσο και σε άλλους τομείς εστιάζοντας στις άπειρες διαπιστωμένες από τα αρμόδια όργανα πολεοδομικές παρατυπίες της πισίνας .για τις οποίες εκκρεμούσαν πρόστιμα συνολικά 1.588.000 ευρώ αλλά και τελεσίδικες καταδικαστικές αποφάσεις.
Πλέον ήλθε η στιγμή όλοι μαζί να δώσουμε την τελική μάχη και να κερδίσουμε τον πόλεμο, το οριστικό κλείσιμο πλέον του δελφιναρίου αλλά και του ζωολογικού κήπου εν γένει της επιχείρησης.
(The Pan-Hellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation)
HISTORIC DAY the 13th of March 2020 for the Animal Welfare Activity of our country AND FOR THE ANIMALS
March 13th 2020 is a historic day for the animal welfare movement of our country and Europe.
By decision of the Administrative District, the Dolphinarium license in Attica Park is suspended.
The PAWEF fought its own big battle both at legal and institutional levels as well as in other sectors, focusing on the infinite number of the pool urban planning irregularities, found by the relevant institutions, for which a total of 1.588,000 euro in fines and final convictions were pending.
Other Greek and foreign bodies contributed greatly to this historic decision.
As far as we are concerned, we quote the most important numerous interventions and actions of PAWEF:
1. Our letter, dated 09/05/18, to the Ministry of the Environment and the Department of Construction and Demolition, which we attach.
2. Our letter, dated 28/05/2011, to the Public Administration Auditors Corps under the title: “Failure to execute an irrevocable judicial decision by the Spata Municipality Building Service”, letter not fit for publishing at present
3. We file to the Council of State the attached application for annulment of the Skourletti decision licensing the Dolphinarium, where all the sinful history of the Dolphinarium violations is included. The request, after postponements, is due in May.
All these years, PAWEF has been pushing for the implementation of legality in every way, beyond its participation in protests and its letters to the educational community not to let students visit the wildlife enclosures and torture, while in 2017, an edition of a letter of encouragement to the country’s Education Departments not to visit the Attica Zoological Park by the Ministry of Education is succeeded.
Also yesterday, PAWEF sent the 1375 / 14.03.202O letter to the competent audit authorities, as Attica Park was completely ignorant of the people’s non-gathering instructions and its biggest part remained opened. Comments are yours….
It is time now for all of us to fight the final battle and win the war, that is the
Circus and Dolphinarium finished in our Country
No animals, domestic, wild, farm, e.t.c. in cages.
Our federation proposes all animal welfare associations to celebrate this victory in the Constitution Square when the hard time our country is undergoing currently will end.
Last but not least, let’s ALL the animal welfare organizations in collaboration with the Administrative District, which we must congratulate, as well as with other authorities, find the best solutions for these endangered animals. And we do not forget the 6 dolphins that died in the Attica Park pools and the two jaguars that were killed relatively recently.
The Pan-Hellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation