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Τα χιλιάδες αρνητικά σχόλια στη διαβούλευση από την ΠΦΠΟ, άλλα σωματεία και φιλόζωους πολίτες, η πίεση που ασκήσαμε, οι συναντήσεις της ΠΦΠΟ με Αν. Υπουργό Εσωτερικών κ. Στέλιο Πέτσα και το νομικό του επιτελείο στο οποίο συζητήσαμε θέματα τροπολογιών του 4830/21 και την επίμαχη αλλαγή του 1197/81 προκειμένου να επιτραπεί παλι το χαλάλ ,η Επίκαιρη ερώτησή του Κυρίου Αρσένη, Βουλευτή του Μέρα 25 προς το Υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων, με θέμα: “Θα σεβαστεί η κυβέρνηση την απόφαση του ΣτΕ που απαγορεύει τις σφαγές των ζώων χωρίς αναισθησία;”, επηρέασαν και την Κοινοβουλευτική Ομάδα της Ν.Δ , με τη Φωτεινή Πιπιλή δημοσίως και ανοικτά να γνωστοποιεί στο προεδρείο της Κ.Ο ότι δεν προτίθεται να ψηφίσει τη συγκεκριμένη διάταξη αν αυτή έφτανε στη Βουλή.
Να σημειωθεί ότι στη διαβούλευση καταγράφηκαν 2.822 σχόλια, μόλις σε 3 μέρες τα οποία στη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία τους αρνητικά, όταν στα περισσότερα άλλα άρθρα τα σχόλια ήταν μονοψηφίου αριθμού. Κατόπιν αυτών, το Μέγαρο Μαξίμου στο υψηλότατο επίπεδο έδωσε εντολή απόσυρσης της σχετικής διάταξης , η οποία τελικά δεν θα συμπεριληφθεί στο νομοσχέδιο που αναμένεται να κατατεθεί σήμερα στη Βουλή.
Μια μικρή νίκη σε ένα αγώνα μακρύ και δύσκολο.
Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τον δικηγόρο μας Βασίλη Παπαγεωργίου για την εξαιρετική τεκμηρίωση του θέματος και κατά την ακροαματική διαδικασία στο ΣτΕ.
Να ευχαριστήσουμε εσάς που ανταποκριθήκατε στο κάλεσμα μας και σχολιάσατε στη Διαβούλευση.
Όλοι μαζί είμαστε δυνατότεροι.
Να επισημάνουμε σε αυτό το σημείο ότι απώτερος στόχος της ΠΦΠΟ είναι η παύση κάθε σφαγής ,η καθιέρωση των δικαιωμάτων των ζώων, η ολική απελευθέρωση τους αλλά και η μη εκμετάλλευση τους για κανένα ανθρώπινο σκοπό και συμφέρον, ταυτόχρονα πιέζουμε θεσμικά χρησιμοποιώντας το νομικό πλαίσιο που αφορά την ευζωία όλων των ειδών των ζώων.
Η τροποποιήση αυτή είναι σε αντίθεση με τη φιλοσοφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την προστασία των ζώων κατά τη θανάτωση και την εφαρμογή της πριν τη σφαγή αναισθητοποίησης, όπως περιγράφεται στην Κοινοτική Νομοθεσία (Κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1099/2009) αλλά και με το Άρθρο 2 του Νόμου 1197/81 όπου αναφέρεται ότι: Απαγορεύεται η θανάτωσις θηλαστικών εις τα σφαγεία εφ’ όσον δεν προηγηθή της αφαιμάξεως αναισθητοποίησις επενεργούσα ακαριαίως.
Vindication For PFPO/Ban on ritual slaughters.
The thousands of negative comments in the consultation by the PFPO, other unions and animal-friendly citizens, the pressure we exerted, PFPO;s meetings with the Deputy Minister o Mr. Stelios Petsas and his legal staff in which we discussed issues of amendments of 4830/21 and the controversial amendment of 1197/81 in order to allow ritual slaughter again, as well as the question of Mr. Arsenis, Member of Parliament of Diem 25 to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, on the topic: “Will the government respect the decision of the CoE that prohibits the slaughter of animals without anesthesia?”, also influenced the Parliamentary Group of the government, Member of parliament Fotini Pipili publicly and openly informing the KO presidency that she does not intend to vote on this provision if it reaches the Parliament.
It should be noted that 2,822 comments were recorded in the consultation, in just 3 days, which in the vast majority of them were negative, when in most other articles the comments were in single digits. Following these, the Prime Minister’s office gave the order to withdraw the relevant provision, which will not be included in the bill that is expected to be submitted to Parliament today.
A small victory in a long and difficult race.
We warmly thank our lawyer Vassilis Papageorgiou for the excellent documentation of the issue during the hearing process at the CoC.
Thank you for responding to our call and commenting on the Consultation.
Together we are stronger.
EU law requires animals to be stunned before slaughter in order to make the whole process as painless as possible. This requirement is not always in line with the procedure followed during religious slaughter, Shechita (Jewish method of slaughtering animals for meat production-Kosher) and Halal (Muslim method of slaughtering animals for meat production-Halal). Members of the Jewish and Muslim communities claim the right to continue the practice of religious slaughter, as defined in their religious texts and which does not allow animals to be stunned before slaughter. This is contrary to the European Union’s philosophy on the protection of animals during slaughter and its application before stunning slaughter, as described in Community legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009).
The Community law respecting the right to freedom of religion, as well as the freedom of expression of one’s religion or beliefs through worship, education, religious service and ceremonies, as enshrined in Article 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights European Union Rights – derogates from the stunning obligation for religious groups, provided that animal welfare is ensured and that slaughter takes place in a slaughterhouse. However it does provide some margin of subsidiarity in each Member State to impose stricter rules, even to ban slaughter without stunning animals as is the case in some Member States. Many Member States, however, allow religious slaughter under certain conditions in order to meet the needs of the Muslim and Jewish communities or to export their products to other countries. Nonetheless The methods of religious slaughter, as well as their 5 basic requirements, are not in line with the framework of animal welfare that exists in Europe but also with public opinion.
The Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation in 2017 had appealed to the Supreme Court of Cassation and requested the annulment of Ministerial Decision 951/44337/2017 – Government Gazette 1447 / Β / 27-4-2017 Tsironi-SYRIZA of the Minister of Development and Food and the Deputy Minister of Development, which determined the necessary additional measures for the implementation of the European Regulation 1099/2009, on the slaughter of animals in the context of religious events that permitted slaughter without animal anesthesia.
Department D of the State Council with decision no. 1751/2021 decision (the chairman of State counselor Antonopoulos Efthimios rapporteur and the Council of State Christina Sitara) accepted the request of the Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation and annulled the contested Mr. .will.
We warmly thank our lawyer Vassilis Papageorgiou for the excellent documentation of the issue during the hearing in the Court of Appeals.
As reported by Summary ΣτΕ Δ 1751/2021:
Failure of the regulatory legislator, when regulating the religious slaughter of animals, to strike a balance between his obligation to protect animals and his obligation to respect the religious freedom of Muslims and Jews living in Greece. With the aforementioned decision, the joint decision 951/44337 / 21.4.2017 of the Minister of Rural Development and Food and the Deputy Minister of Development was deemed illegal, which determined the necessary additional measures for the implementation of Regulation (EC) 1099/2009, in relation to with the slaughter of animals in slaughterhouses in the context of cult types.
A small victory in a long and difficult race. At this point, we have to mention that the ultimate goal of the PFPO is the cessation of all slaughter, the establishment of animal rights, their total liberation but also their non-exploitation for any human purpose and interest, at the same time we press institutionally using the legal framework of animal welfare of all species of animals.