–All animal species should be kept in a cool and shady area all day
-Access to fresh and clean drinking water 24 hours a day
-Animal’s head and body should be frequently wetted with cold water
-Dogs should get a walk early in the morning and late at night. Pet owner should always carry water while dog walking
-Dog’s intense physical activity should be avoided
-Under no circumstances animals should be left in the car
-The law prohibits keeping a dog on a balcony or terrace
-If you use an air-conditioner to keep your home cool, your pet/s should be kept near the air-conditioner.
Signs of heatstroke:
-Weakness in your pet’s back legs
-Bright red or pale mucous membranes
-Foaming at the mouth and nose
In this case, you should:
-contact the vet immediately. Until you reach medical help, you should:
-keep your pet in a cool and shady place
-get your pet’s body and head wet
-cool your pet down by draping wet towels over its body
– locate your pet near by a fan or air conditioner
– give your pet cool water in small amounts