LETTER OF INTEREST OF PFPO (Hellenic Philozoic and Environmental Federation) and ESPI (Hellenic Equine Protection Association) To the attention of: • THE PRESIDENT OF THE CENTRAL UNION OF HELLENIC MUNICIPALITIES, • THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, • The MINISTRY OF INTERIOR AFFAIRS, • THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY FOR ANIMALS, Dear Sir/Madam, Another horse breathed its last in the city of Corfu while driving a carriage, at noon, on a very hot day in July (6/7/2023). It is not an isolated incident but can be added to the multiple incidents of equine abuse, which occur mainly in touristic regions of the country,...

Panhellenic Philozoic and Environmental Federation has asked the EU Commission to interven on the abuse of horses in Greece
The Panhellenic Philozoic and Environmental Federation (PFPO), has intervened to the EU Commission on the abuse of horses in Greece. PFPO has informed the Commission about incidents of harsh abuse of horses and donkeys in Greece, in different locations and circumstances. The Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Ms. Kyriakidou was informed in detail about the serious problem and was asked for a corrective EU legislative intervention. PFPO has been in the front line of the defense of the Animals’ Rights and our dynamic interventions usually have a positive outcome. Take a look here of the letter from PFPO that...
Αφιέρωμα ισπανικής εφημερίδας για τις άστεγες γάτες της Ελλάδας με τη συνδρομή της ΠΦΠΟ (English translation at the end of the article)
Τίτλος άρθρου : Η Ελλάδα δεν ξέρει τι να κάνει με τις τεράστιες αποικίες γατών. Οι φιλόζωοι επικρίνουν την έλλειψη δημόσιων μέτρων, αλλά είναι σύνηθες να βλέπεις αποικίες γατών να φροντίζονται καλά από τους γείτονες. της Queralt Castillo Cerezuela στην Ισπανική εφημερίδα ARA (ΤΩΡΑ) “Από όλα τα οικόσιτα ζώα, η γάτα είναι το μόνο που δεν έχει εξημερωθεί από τον άνθρωπο. Όχι επειδή συνεχίζει να είναι άγρια ή επειδή είναι σε θέση να ζει με τον άνθρωπο, αλλά επειδή δεν ήταν ο άνθρωπος που εξημέρωσε τη γάτα, αλλά μάλλον η γάτα που εξημέρωσε τον εαυτό της“, γράφει η Paloma Díaz-Mas,...

Food for deer in Rhodes
A tone of barley was sent by the Lemnos Agricultural Cooperative “The Union” to deer in Rhodes at the initiative of the Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation. Anna Tosounoglou, PFPO’s President, would like to express her sincere thanks to: “The Union”, the transport companies “Ifaistos”, “Lakiotis”, “Ntelakis – Venihaki” as they have responded with prompt and willingness to this act of solidarity with animals hit by the great fire in Rhodes. It should be noted that Dama-Dama deer were transported from Rhodes to Lemnos in the late 1960s.

Landfill dogs in Loutraki
Cooperation with motivated bodies and volunteers leads to positive results. Greece is under great agony and sorrow. Forests are burning and wild animals are hit by fire. Facilities for strays and farm animals were damaged. A state of emergency was declared in Loutraki. After a PFPO’s intercession, Marsha Dimopoulou sent food and water for strays, which Afroditi Tsoukala takes care of in Loutraki. We would like to thank the supermarket “Lidl” for the donation of pet food and water.

Meeting of the PFPO and Animal Action Greece
During the teleconference, action taken by both bodies was summarized and points of common interest were discussed. The discussion took place in a friendly and cooperative atmosphere and both sides committed themselves to carry on talking. Animal Action Greece was represented by Joseph Nhan-O’ Reilly, executive director and Serafina Avramidou, program manager while on behalf of the PFPO Anna Tosounoglou was present.

The PFPO at the 24th Athens Anti-Racist Festival
The festival had great success as tens of thousands of people visited Veikou Park from 7 July to 9 July while several collectives against racism, in favor of the protection of the environment supporting democracy and social solidarity participated. The PFPO was in attendance all three days handing out leaflets containing information on i) the rights and duties of pet owners, ii) the struggle for equines, fur, and farm animals. A lot of visitors seemed troubled and put questions on the phenomenon of animal abuse in our country and the overpopulation of stray dogs and cats. It is obvious that...

According to the PFPO’s BoD it is unacceptable that animals are returned to animal collectors
Animal collectors are not able to provide welfare to their animals, so they live a life of suffering and quite often they suffer to death. This behavior is a severe form of distress that results in systemic, chronic, passive animal abuse. A great scale of relative bibliography and arthrography can be found on the internet. It is obvious that these people must not be allowed to own animals. The PFPO believes that it is tragic that animals are given back to collectors as they remain malnourished, without any veterinary care, and exposed to risks. That’s why the PFPO will take...

Massive poisoning of dogs at Oinofyta (Viotia)
A distress call from volunteers! On Friday morning, a volunteer found dead the dog that he takes care of. After a while, many other dogs were found dead or almost dead. The Municipality of Tanagra was directly informed. Municipal vehicles empowered the efforts of volunteers to discover dogs in danger. So far, the toll is the following: 6 adult dogs and a puppy remain at a private vet clinic in Chalkida in critical condition PFPO will put its great efforts into 8 puppies without symptoms to be adopted. 2 puppies only 3 days old are temporarily hosted. We hope that...

Complaint about cows living in appalling conditions in Tithorea
Almost a year ago, the PFPO filled a complaint living at an illegal farm in the region of Tithorea in appalling conditions. The complaint was followed by attached photos with animals living in a dirty place full of mud and feces. Once again, the Police claimed that its inspection conducted with the Veterinary Service concluded only to recommendations about the mud. Even though it is mentioned that the amount of mud was huge, at the same time it is stated