On Friday 7th of February 2020, a screening of the non-commercial medium-length movie “Re-Action” at the 2nd High School of Diavata (Prefecture of Magnesia) by initiative of volunteers of “FRONTIZO”. Students of first and second grade of High School watched the movie.
Actually, the screening of this movie is an action launched by Olga Liara, on behalf of Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Fedaration (P.F.P.O.) with the aim to raise students’ awareness for animals.
«Re-Action” was made by volunteers and is under the aegis of Club for Unesco of Piraeus & Islands and PFPO. In this movie, Roxy takes action to support and help her friends.
We would like to thank the school principal Mrs. Maria Politou because she graced us with her presence and of course for her invitation.
Also, we would like to thank all professors and students who watched the movie.
We hope that “Re-Action” had raised students’ awareness of strays issues