Million Greek citizens, volunteers and animal welfare bodies hoped that the current government would address the issue of strays in a different way compared to past governments. Unfortunately, the current draft law is a direct copy of the draft of the previous government, which was withdrawn after general outcry.
The proposed draft law increases the stray problem instead of solving it.
According to article 8, stray animals will be moved to rocky areas and grasslands. This article is against the modern animal ethics and it puts at risk not only animals but also the cultural change in Greece.
It should be mentioned that the main cause of strays is animal abandonment. Apart from that, another cause is the illegal pet breeding and trade. Addressing these causes is the only solution to deal with the issue of strays. In any case, stray dogs and cats should be protected and be treated humanely.
Unfortunately, there is an increase in the number of strays and the problem will not be solved if they are moved to isolated areas. On the contrary, the inhumane treatment of those animals is a disgrace to the human race.
It should be reminded that the majority of municipal shelters constitutes defamation of our country. Animals are subjected to mistreatment and they suffer till their death.
Panhellenic Animal Welfare and Environmental Federation